2024 Mission Trip Plan
Beacon of Hope 2024 Mission Trip Information Meeting:
Link to Information Meeting Outline
Link to Information Meeting Presentation slides.
Link to Trip Training Schedule
Link to Smart Choices Training Videos Link to Smart Choices Manual
Link to You Share Jesus Training Videos
2023 Mission Trip Report
Our Victorious 2023 Mission Trip
Seventeen volunteers from California participated in our 2023 Mission Trip to South Africa, Uganda and Zambia to make a difference in Africa.
- The purpose:
- To assess and see firsthand, how our African ministry partners were progressing in their micro-exterprises, to make their gospel presentation ministries self sustaining.
- To provide further training, support, recommendations, accountability standards, assess their needs, and assist in plans for their growth going forward to assure ongoing success.
2023 Mission Trip Plan
Dear Mission Trip Potential Participants,
Beacon of Hope is planning our upcoming mission trip for February 9th-26th, 2023. Registration for the trip is still open but we would like to have a good idea of who the participants are going to be by October 31. The first week will be at a conference center in South Africa. Our plan for the first week is to bring all of our African partners from South Africa, Zimbabwe, Zambia, and Uganda together at one location for a week of training and encouragement. The conference center is situated on a game farm (Wild life preserve) about 2.5 hours north of Johannesburg.
The conference will be held at the Hippo Lakes Conference Center, This video gives you an idea of accommodations and surroundings. Included in our accommodation will be a one time open truck safari drive with a game ranger to view the wildlife. Additional Safari drives can be taken at your own expense for $14 per outing. This conference facility is owned and operated by a Christian operation named "Teach Every Nation" (TEN), founded by Bruce Wilkinson, well known Christian book Author. The President and CEO of Teach Every Nation, Martin Deacon, presents a short video describing their purpose for this conference center and to introduction their program Bible School on Wheels. " The Teach Every Nation's / Bible School on Wheels training program"
Agenda for week 1 activities: February 12-17
(a) Bible School on Wheels Introductory presentation by Teach Every Nation.
(b) Discipleship as instituted by Jesus.
(c) Vision Cast event for our Johannesburg team that will double as a training exercise to all of our other partners.
(d) Presentations of Micro Enterprise Programs being implemented by our partners.
(e) Fiscal, Business, and management consideration for starting and operating a Micro Enterprise business to support ministries.
Second Week activities: February 18-25
For the second week the US contingent will split into two teams, one going to Kitwe, Zambia, and the second going to Iganga, Uganda to observe and participate in the ministry activities of our partner organizations PLAEP, CASP and IPM.
(a) Partners for Life Advancement and Education Promotion (PLAEP) Kitwe Zambia.
See the Ministry or Enterprise activities you could observe or participate in: PLAEP promotional video
(b) Canada Africa Schools Partners (CASP) Iganga, Uganda.
Some of the Ministries or Enterprise activities we will participate in are: Smart Choices HIV/AIDS prevention program, Discipleship classes, Bible School on Wheels student graduation ceremony, visit the Goat Farm Micro Enterprise business.
(c) International Preservation Ministry (IPM) Iganga, Uganda.
IPM, led by Naura Doreen, is attempting to care for 40+ abandoned street kids, many with special needs. We want to observe the situation with these kids, evaluate her needs and determine if we are able help her more. We will also observe and evaluate her Micro Enterprise of planting crops.
Raising Support
Everyone who participates on the mission trip are required to raise their own support to cover their trip expenses. This cost will be $4,400 and covers all airfares, accommodation, in country ground transport, travel insurance, and visas.
Click this Support Letter link to download a sample support letter
This letter is just a sample to provide you most of the salient information that a supporter might be interested in. You can customize the first page of the letter to say whatever you like to portray to your potential donors what is on your heart about going on the trip. Anyone paying their own way is not absolutely obligated to send out the support letters but as was said it the presentation, there are a number of very good reasons to do so.
- Not sending a letter might deprive someone the opportunity to participate in the mission without actually going.
- Your friends and family will be more likely to follow the activities of the trip if they are also contributing.
- People who donate to a mission trip participant can quite easily become a long term donor to Beacon of Hope.
Second Page Support Policy:
Try and keep the letter to one page. If you are familiar with using mail merge you can replace “Supporter” with the supporters name using mail Merge, or you can just delete Supporter and hand write the supporters name. The second page must remain as it is except for placing your name on the top line by replacing the italic text “your name”
Return address envelope.
Include a return addressed envelope with your letter addressed to the Beacon of Hope mailing address: 24851 Costeau St, Laguna Hills, CA 92653.
Return address labels can be provided for you if that would streamline your support letter mailing.
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2023 Mission Trip Information Meeting Announcement
There is a mission trip information meeting on Sunday July 24, 2022 from 2:00-4:00 pm at the Smiths' house in Laguna Hills, California for those who are local. We will also activate a zoom call for those who are out of the area. Specific address and zoom call details to follow closer to the time. We will also record the zoom call and post it for later viewing for anyone who is unable to attend in person or on Zoom on July 24.
If you already competed the Trip Participation Form last time please do it again because questions and options are added so it will also double as the Information Meeting RSVP.
Trip Participation Form and Info Meeting RSVP
Read moreMission Trip 2023
It is with great excitement that we can report that finally the impact of the COVID pandemic is waning in the activities of our partners in Africa. The teams in all four countries, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Zambia, and Uganda, have all reported relaxing of restrictions for access to the schools.
Bill DeLannoy's Memorial Service
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Memorial Service for Bill De Lannoy (1933-2022) Liberty Baptist Church, Time 10:00 am, Saturday February 26, 2022 |
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Moses Farm Project
To upgrade livelihood in the communities through provision of high-quality breeds of goats for rearing to improve their diets, incomes and livelihoods in general and also support the sustainability strategy of the CASP on-going projects in Uganda.
To stimulate wealth creation and diet improvements by provision of high-quality goat breeds to communities for rearing and also penetrate the gov’t aided pilot projects on animal husbandry in Uganda after a full establishment in the three years
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Thanksgiving 2021
We give thanks to God for leading us into this ministry in 2004, for directing us to the associations with our African partners, and for connecting us with our faithful donors. We are eternally thankful to the donors who through prayers and gifts have made it possible for our teams to impact more than two hundred thousand lives (200,000+). Our partners train the youth to make smart choices in their lives, protecting themselves from HIV AIDS infection, they lead the youth in Christian discipleship, some care for orphans, and in the past two years have engaged in community feeding programs. Our Ugandan Partner has also engaged in training two hundred and ten (210) pastors since 2018.
Read moreAbraham's Farm Project 2021
Abraham's farming project is progressing. He is continuing to grow crops on the property that he lives on because he has an established water supply. The development of the newly acquired property is proceeding. In 2021 the building was completed and it is completely fenced. The 2022 projects are: 1) Build a pond for breeding and raising fish. 2) Drill a bore hole for a water supply on the new farm property. 3) Complete the irrigation system with a submerged solar-powered pump, storage tank, piping fittings, and drip irrigation system.
Can you help with a $50 or $100, $500 donation to Abraham's project? Thanks for your kind consideration. Just click donate here to direct your gift to Abraham's building project.
2022 Projects requiring funding for the new property:
- Build a dam suitable for breeding fish. Cost of $1750
- Put down a borehole 50 meters deep with hole liner. Cost of $1750
- Equip with solar-powered pump, storage tank, piping and drip irrigation system. Cost of $3550
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Naura's Orphans 2021
International Preservation Ministry
Naura Doreen is one of the original team of six people that we trained in Uganda as presenters of our Smart Choices AIDS prevention program. She has since moved on to establish her own Ministry called International Preservation Ministry, operating out of Iganga, Uganda. Naura’s primary ministry is caring for about forty street kids, providing shelter, food, clothing, and spiritual guidance. There are dozens more kids that still live with family in the villages that are malnourished, and some have special medical needs, that she tries to help with as her resources allow.
From the message thread below, you can see the other ministry activities that she is involved in.
If anyone feels led to make a one-time or recurring donation, please go to
There are also instructions on this page to do direct deposits or to mail checks.
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