We give thanks to God for leading us into this ministry in 2004, for directing us to the associations with our African partners, and for connecting us with our faithful donors. We are eternally thankful to the donors who through prayers and gifts have made it possible for our teams to impact more than two hundred thousand lives (200,000+). Our partners train the youth to make smart choices in their lives, protecting themselves from HIV AIDS infection, they lead the youth in Christian discipleship, some care for orphans, and in the past two years have engaged in community feeding programs. Our Ugandan Partner has also engaged in training two hundred and ten (210) pastors since 2018.
The Beacon of Hope California based management committee thank our donors on behalf of our African partners for making it possible for them to do their mission.

Give thanks with a grateful heart
Give thanks to the Holy One
Give thanks because He’s given Jesus Christ, His Son
And now let the weak say, “I am strong”
Let the poor say, “I am rich
Because of what the Lord has done for us”
Give Thanks
Our Partners Organizations:
Horizon International – Pendleton Indiana (Orphan Sponsorship)
Smart Choices South African Partners (SCSAP) – Johannesburg, South Africa
Beacon of Hope Kwa Zulu Natal (BOH-KZN) – Richards Bay, South Africa
Canada Africa Schools Project (CASP) – Iganga, Uganda
International Preservation Ministry (IPM) – Iganga, Uganda
Partners for Life Advancement and Education Promotion (PLAEP) – Kitwe, Zambia
Beacon of Hope Zimbabwe (BOH-ZIM) – Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
Independent pastors
Shudas Bhaudi – Harare Zimbabwe
Vu Lusinga – Bulawayo Zimbabwe
Cyprian Shumba – Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe
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