It is with great excitement that we can report that finally the impact of the COVID pandemic is waning in the activities of our partners in Africa. The teams in all four countries, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Zambia, and Uganda, have all reported relaxing of restrictions for access to the schools.
During 2021 we shared with you some of the ways that our African partners are trying to bolster their personal and ministries' finances. For a number of years, that has also been our goal to encourage them to raise and generate local sources of income. In God's providence he has connected us this year with an organization named Charity Coaches. They advise and coach startup or struggling nonprofits how to attract volunteers, supporters and potential new board members to become more active in the life of the nonprofit ministry. At the end of one of our Zoom calls, I mentioned that we need the equivalent of Charity Coaches to come alongside our Africa partners to help them establish their NGO management teams and to be more effective local and foreign fundraisers. Laura, our coach responded to my comment and we started talking about it.
The result is that we are starting to plan a mission trip for early 2023, probably in February. We are planning to go to Bulawayo, Zimbabwe for the first week and then split into two teams with one going to Kitwe, Zambia for one team and Iganga, Uganda for the second trip. The plan is to invite all of our team leaders from all four countries to come to the first week in Bulawayo. So, we are reaching out to anyone who might be interested in coming on a trip with us February 2023. Having a rough count of the participants that might be interested in coming with us will be central to our planning for the trip. Please respond immediately if you are even remotely interested.
The focus of the first week of our 2023 mission trip will be to coach those who are running NGOs in the fundamental skills they need to manage their organizations and improve their local fundraising and volunteer attraction. We are planning to have a trip information meeting mid to late July where we will provide more specific information about the activities we will engage in.
For the first week, anyone who is not involved directly with Vision Cast, NGO management training activities will have other activities to participate in. These activities might be visiting ministry centric farming activities, school bible activities, showing the Jesus Film and so on. The second week will be the same with emphasis on ministry outreach and less on training.
I am really praying and I ask you to pray with me that we will have at least one doctor and one nurse in our team. Specifically in Uganda we really need to have a good medical evaluation of all of the children that our Ugandan associate Naura Doreen is trying to care for.
- Express your interest in our February 2023 Mission trip to Zimbabwe, then Zambia or Uganda. Trip Participation Form
- Sponsor a child for $40 per month. Goal 40 kids.
- Make a onetime or recurring Donation to Beacon of Hope
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