Corona Feeding Program

In the midst of this new COVID-19 Corona virus Worldwide pandemic, Beacon of Hope finds itself in a similar situation that we were in, in 2004. 

How we got started

In 2004 seven participants from a small church in Irvine California participated in a mission trip to South Africa.  We went to teach an AIDS prevention and Gospel presentation message in two schools.  After the trip was over, those of us who participated were quite distraught about the AIDS situation in Africa.    


We were in disbelief about the amount of death and suffering that was taking place but it seemed like the world wasn't that aware of the situation.  We came away from that trip saying to ourselves, "This is such a huge problem, what could a small church from California do to address such a massive problem?"  We had no answer but we knew that we could not just go back home and do nothing.  We committed to just take a team back to Africa each year and start training local Pastors and their volunteers to teach the program that we initiated in 2004, to combat the spread of AIDS.  Now, sixteen years later we have spent over 750,000 USD, we support sixteen teams in eight geographic areas in four countries in Africa.  To date they have taken this message of hope to about 210,000 students at over 700 separate schools, churches or community centers. 

Our new Challenge

Yesterday, April 19, 2020, I received a message from our Johannesburg, South Africa, team leader.  He stated that since the lock-down had been in place, the teams were not able to continue our program in the schools.  He asked if it would be OK to divert the funds we have been sending them monthly for the education program, to start a feeding program.  He stated that the community is approaching him as the leader of a registered NPO for assistance with sustenance feeding help.  He stated further that people are becoming more fearful of dying of starvation than of the Virus.  While food is still available, people are not earning incomes as a result of the lock-down.  Our board is in agreement that all funds that would have gone to the AIDS Education and Discipleship program will be diverted to feeding programs. for as long as is necessary.


Beacon of Hope is again faced with the situation we had at the outset.  The massive need far outweighs the resources that we have to offer.  We intend to just continue the attitude we have had since the beginning.  "We don't know how much we can accomplish but we know we can't do nothing."  As we did before we are going to trust that God will provide what is necessary to make a significant difference just as he has been doing over the last sixteen years with the AIDS Prevention education program.  Please donate as you are able $25 or $25,000, one time or recurring monthly donation if you are able. One thousand donations of $25 makes $25,000.


Feeding Program Results:

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  • Glynn Smith
    published this page 2020-04-20 16:20:28 -0700
