The Flight Out

The flight on Emirates Air took us northeast over Quebec, Greenland, over Norway, down the west side of the Caspian Sea, over Iran, across the Persian Gulf into Dubai.   The temperature in Dubai at 6:00pm was a hot dry 98deg. I slept over one night in Dubai (UAE).  I arrived in Entebbe on the shores of Lake Victoria on Saturday June 2 at about 2:00pm.  Again, the temperature was about 98deg but this time with high humidity.  Uganda has been having heavy rains and flooding for the last month or so and it hasn’t let up let.  I arranged with a drive to meet me at the Entebbe airport and drive me to Iganga in the Eastern region on Uganda were our team had already been engaged for three days teaching the Smart Choices program.  This was about a two and a half hour 155km journey.


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