Smart Choices Evaluation

2017 Evaluation

Friday June 15 was declared an impromptu public holiday because it was new moon and the Muslims need to have a day of fasting and prayer.  Fortunately, Moses had prearranged with one of the schools that was taught Smart Choices in 2017 to have sample contingent show up at school for us to do a follow-up evaluation.

We normally evaluate about 10-15 percent of the original class.  At these follow-up sessions, we have a four-page questionnaire that each student fills out for us to evaluate how much information from the Smart Choices program the children have retained and if they are keeping the commitments that they made during the initial presentation. Examples of the commitments that they would make is to abstain from any sexual activity until they get married.  If they made the commitment initially we ask them if they are sticking to their pledge.  If they made a commitment to follow Jesus, we ask them if they are going to church regularly, if they are reading their Bibles regularly, and praying regularly.

We also select three or four students from the group and record some of the comments they have about the program and the impact that it has had on them.  All told, the student all remembered well what they had been taught.  They were sticking to their commitments and all had very positive things to say about how Smart Choices had impacted their lives and that they had all shared the information with others, friends, family, community, or peer groups.



I will post a Video later. Come back and check it out in a day or two.

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