Maddy Address

Dear graduating students of Teach Every Nation — Bible School on Wheels, our warmest greetings to the Bishop Rt. Rev. Patrick Wakula his wife Florence Wakula and Ministers Rev. Raceal Education Coordinator, Rev. Samson Basome Inspector of Schools, Rev. Alfred Bolya Head of Youth, Rev. Moses Dhikange. from Reverend Michael and Cindy Maddy of California USA.

On this commemorative milestone of your discipleship journey, we are reminded of the words Paul spoken to his young disciple Timothy.

“We are writing to encourage you to fan into a flame and rekindle the fire of the spiritual gift God imparted to you when We laid our hands upon you. For God will never give you the spirit of fear, but the Holy Spirit who gives you mighty power, love, and self-control.”

Be assured that an eternal deposit of God’s gift has been made to your account. This past year of teaching is a visible signpost that will guide you on the path of righteousness and hope. When your way becomes narrow the Holy Spirit will bring to remembrance the words of Jesus, “I will never leave you or forsake you”. In the kingdom of God, a learner always becomes the teacher. You are now entrusted with words of Life that will raise the dead. When in despair these teachings will inspire you to the hope of higher heights. All may seem limited around you, but you now have unlimited possibilities to be unlocked by these words of faith.

Cindy and I long for the day when we will be United weather in flesh or in our Heavenly Fathers House. Until that day of rejoicing let us be committed to the work of our Savior to make disciples by declaring and demonstrating his gospel of love in our homes and

Along the way.

We thank Pastor Moses for his untiring work to connect us in this beautiful body which is Christ our Lord.

Awaiting His Shout

Kind regards,

Michael and Cindy Maddy

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