Welcome Ndlovu



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Welcome is a Zimbabwean, now living in Johannesburg. He has only been active with Beacon of Hope for a short time but he has already proved to be an extremely effective administrator. We met him through Zodwa establishing a relationship with his church and training group of people to be Smart Choices presenters.  He quickly showed his leadership abilities and out of the alliance between BICC (Brethren in Christ Church) and Zodwa’s Ebenezer Christian Fellowship, a non-profit organization was formed.  This nonprofit is SCSAP (Smart Choices South Africa Partners). Welcome has a solid group of about eight team members. in 2016 Welcome activated a second team. He has enough appointments to keep two teams occupied. Welcome appointed Seabird Siziba as his second team leader. In 2017 we were able supply the Johannesburg group with a second teaching kit so now the two teams can operate totally independently.


They operate in an areas of Johannesburg that is seriously rundown. There is a high rise building right across the street from the BICC church with broken out windows and I am sure that alcohol and drug abuse is rampant there. My prayer for these teams is that they would find a way to expand their activity beyond the schools and start presenting the Smart Choices and the Gospel to the adults in this area.

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